Finance for Home Loans for First home buyers to buy or build as well as home loans for all borrowers regardless of reason.
We are able to offer a variety of loan products from major banks and are able to negotiate very competitive rates. For the Borrowers that may not satisfy bank lending criteria we are able to offer choices from many non-bank lenders. The non-bank lending rates will depend entirely on the individual borrower’s financial profile and in many situations are favourable.
We offer a unique level of service for anyone looking for a construction loan by assisting in all loan elements right through to hand-over by the builder. For further information refer to our construction loans page.
What Makes Us Different?
- Debt consolidation
- Refinance a specialty
- Competitive rates
- Options for adverse credit history
- Options following bank refusal
- Extensive choice of bank and non-bank lenders
- Choice of rapid reduction mortgages
- Construction loan specialist(s)